Gaming course design

I’m starting to get more interested in the potential of traditional games, as well as digital, as they seem to overcome some of the problems of development and design of computer games. Accreditation! Is a board game developed with a colleague, Rachel Forsyth (she did most of the work and I did some playing around with game mechanics) as part of a JISC project on developing responsiveness in the curriculum. The aim of the game is that players learn about the processes involved in course design and accreditation, and have the opportunity to discuss the issues that arise when trading off quality and timeliness.

Rachel has posted on the project blog about the game design process and her reflections on its use, and the game board and cards are available on a creative commons licence. A detailed description of the game mechanics and playing pieces can be found on the JISC Design Studio.

We presented a workshop on the game at the recent HEA conference, and it was great to see people playing the game in earnest – and arguing about it. I would be very keen to receive feedback from anyone who would like to try the game on the design and its potential uses.

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